Stouffer's lasagna cooking instructions
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1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Do not exceed 350 degrees F. Remove tray from box. Do not remove film cover. 2. Place tray on a baking sheet on center rack in Cooking Instructions: Microwave Oven (1100 watts): Prep: Cut film to vent. Cook: 4 minutes on high. Uncover. Cook Again: 4 minutes on 50% power. Let stand 1 Preheat oven 375°F. Cut film to vent. Cook on high in microwave 5 minutes. Rotate 1/2 turn and cook another 5 minutes. Place tray on a baking sheet in oven, Conventional oven cooking. Since ovens vary, cooking heat and times may require adjusting. 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Do not exceed 350 degrees F. Remove Directions · Instructions. Conventional Oven (Preheat 350°F) Remove film. Place tray on baking sheet, center rack. Cook 48 minutes. Let stand 1 minute. · SafePreheat 400°F. Remove aluminum lid. Bend lid slightly and save for second part of cooking. Place uncovered tray on a baking sheet, center rack. Cook 20
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